About us
The Associations is comprised of members from the contractor, supplier and manufacturing areas of the masonry field.

Since 1965
The Masonry Contractors Association of Alberta was first incorporated in January 1965 as a venue for contractors in the masonry industry to have a forum in which they could socialize, gain the latest in technological information regarding their industry, and most importantly – a forum in order to have some input into the direction of the masonry industry.
The Masonry Contractors Association of Alberta has a very active membership of contractors and suppliers, each providing valuable input and working together to further the industry.
Our Objectives
To provide the best methods for the handling of, and execution of, building contacts to the end that our industry be surrounded with proper safeguards for the protection of life, and property.
To promote and encourage efficiency in the art of masonry construction and to generally encourage and promote the use of masonry and related products to be installed by masons.
To cooperate with organizations and associations in allied lines; and with individuals, firms and corporations in different lines of business, for the general good of our industry.
To promote harmonious relationships between the members of the Association and all other institutions, organizations, associations, companies or persons concerned directly or indirectly with the promotions, designs or mechanics of construction.
To make representations with respect to Federal, Provincial and Municipal Legislation for the improvement of the masonry trade and safety laws.